Valentina Sagala

Full Name : Rotua Valentina Sagala
Sex : Female
Place, Date of birth : Jakarta, August 09, 1977Valentina Sagala
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Christian

Address : Jl. Dago Pojok No. 85, Bandung, 40135,
Tel./Fax. +62.22.2516378,
Mobile-phone: +628164865241
Languages : Speak, read and write Indonesian fluently
Speak, read and write English fluently
Current Position : Chairperson of Executive Board of Institut Perempuan
(Women’s Institute Foundation)

Name of School
(Master Degree)
High Junior School University of Padjadjaran, Bandung – Indonesia (2004-2006)
Master Degree, Majoring Economic and Business Law
With a thesis entitled:
“Legal Analysis of The Protection for Child and Women Domestic Worker in Indonesia: The Employer Due To Responsibility of Domestic Worker’s Loses as A Result of the Unfullfillment of Employer’s Obligation in Employment Relation Related To the Law Number 23 Year 2004 about the Elimination on Domestic Violence”

University of Catholic Parahyangan, Bandung – Indonesia (1996-2001)
Undergraduate degree, Majoring Accounting
With a thesis entitled:
“Management Audit in Sales in Evaluating the Strength and Weakness of the Sales Activity: Case Study in Panghegar Hotel, Bandung”

University of Padjadjaran, Bandung – Indonesia (1997-2004)
Undergraduate degree, Majoring Economic and Business Law
With a thesis entitled:
“DebtWatch Indonesia Foundation’s Legal Action on The Cases of The Un-Fulfillment of The Contract of Designing and Production of Women’s Rights Campaign Tools”

Saint Ursula Catholic Senior High School, Jakarta – Indonesia (1993-1996)
The Best Public Relation Santa Ursula High School Student, 1996

Tarakanita Catholic Junior High School, Jakarta – Indonesia (1990-1993)

Position Year Description of Work
Gender and Poverty Adviser –MCPM-Australian Indonesia Basic Education Partnership-AusAid

Special Resource Person of Mahkamah Agung RI/Republic Indonesia Supreme Court, for Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence Issues
Legal Expert of Koalisi NGO Pemantau Hak Anak/Consultant of NGO Coalition for CRC Monitoring (supported by The Consortium International NGO)

Consultant of Save the Children – US
National Consultant of ASHOKA
National Consultant of International Labor Organization (ILO)
Lecturer of FH Universitas Katholik Parahyangan/Faculty of Law-Parahyangan Catholic University
Guest Lecturer of Legal, Women and Child Protection Issues in FISIP Universitas Indonesia/Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Indonesia
Assistant Programme Officer of UNICEF (Child Protection)

National Consultant of UNICEF
Member of Presidium Board of JARI Indonesia (Development Watch Group)
Coordinator of Legal Reform Division of Komnas Perempuan (Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan/ The Indonesian National Commission on Violence Against Women)
Executive Director of Yayasan Institut Perempuan (Women’s Institute Foundation)
Member of The Drafter Team on Rencana Aksi Daerah (RAD) Penghapusan Bentuk-Bentuk Pekerjaan Terburuk Untuk Anak, ESKA, dan Trafiking (Local Action Plan on the Elimination of The Worst Forms of Child Labor, Commercial Sexual Exploitation on Children, and Trafficking), with Bapeda Jawa Barat, supporting by UNICEF.
Member of Facilitators (Dewan Guru) JARI Indonesia
Gender and Children Consultant on Designing Module of Anti Corruption, WJCW (West Java Corruption Watch)

Head of Education and Training Department of PEKA (Perhimpunan Penanganan Krisis Perempuan dan Anak/Coalition of Women and Children Crisis Center)

Secretary of KPP Jawa Barat (Koalisi Pemantau Pemilu/West Java National Election Watch Coalition)
Head of Women’s Rights Committee– PBHI Jawa Barat (Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia/Committee of Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association, West Java)
Financial Assistant of KIPP (Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu/Independent Committee of National Election Watch)
2007 – current
Assist and facilitate counterpart (Minister of National Education, Minister of Religious Affairs, Bapenas, BSNP, State Ministry of Women’s Empowerment, government officers, NGOs, and other stakeholders) in developing planning, implementing, and monitoring the MCPM-AIBEP programme on Gender and Poverty in Education (for national, provincial, districts, schools, and community level)

Develop material and train Judges and Staff of Court on human trafficking and domestic violence issue, in relation with child protection, juvenile justice, child conflict with the law, and gender mainstreaming. The series training cover almost all over Indonesia, such as Java, Banten, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, and NTB.

Responsible designing the framework, developing tools, reviewing, and developing report on “the Legal Review on the Indonesian Legislation Concerning Children in the Compliances to the UN Convention on the Rights (UN CR) as part of the Indonesian Alternative Report to the UN Child Committee”, national and local legislations, particularly in the issue of children in conflict with the law and child trafficking, whether they are comply to the UN CRC, Concluding Observations and other international instruments relevant to child rights.

Responsible in writing Book on Domestic Workers in Indonesia, with Child’s Rights Perspective. Book is based in legal research, including identifying, data collecting, and analyzing international and legal instrument, comprehensively in human rights law, private and business law, and criminal law. Book has been published and nationally distributed by Save the Children-US.

Responsible in identifying strategic issues, partners (government, media, business sectors, NGOs, and social entrepreneur) in sharing values on social entrepreneurship and branding ASHOKA program for 2007 Indonesia Year of Social Entrepreneurship.

Responsible in analyzing and drafting academic paper to base on the drafting of local regulation on tackling trafficking in women and children in Sukabumi district.

Responsible in developing learning material, syllabus, media, etc, specializing Legal Human Rights, Research and Writing Method, Introduction of Legal Theory, and Introduction of Indonesian Legal System.

Responsible in developing and conducting class on the issues of legal, women and child protection, especially for trafficking, abuse, violence, and exploitation issues.

Assist and facilitate counterpart (Bapeda, government officers, parliaments/DPRD, NGOs, and Lembaga Perlindungan Anak) in developing planning, implementing, and monitoring the UNICEF-ROI programme on Child Protection in West Java and Banten province (including selected districts such as Indramayu, Cirebon, Subang, Garut, Bandung, Serang)
Assist other field office and country office (including emergency situation) in Child Protection programme (Yogyakarta earth-quake).

Train Police Women, Judges, Prosecutors, and Probation Officers on child protection, specifically for children affected by emergency situation and armed conflict, abuse, violence, exploitation, and trafficking issues (for children as victims, witness, and offenders –in term of children conflict with the law-), develop training materials and modules on protection of children emergency situation and armed conflict to adapted for police, become trainer for Pre-Departure Training on Child Protection for Police Women who will be Deployed to Support Child Protection in Aceh and Ambon, report of the evaluation and recommendation of training.

Planning of advocacy, fundraising, and maintain local, national, and international networking. Decision makers on strategic decision for the benefit of the organization, national level. Initiating new programme in term of gender issue and responsible in managing and implementing JARI programme supported by OXFAM Hongkong on Integrating Gender in Development Indicators in Indonesia, including coordinating comprehensive feminist participatory research in West Java Province in “The Development and CEDAW Implementation in West Java Province”.

Review all current national and local instruments relevant to women and children human rights, relating to international human rights’ instruments. Conducting national advocacy for national instrument relevant to women and children human rights, such as “Witness and Victims Protection”, “The Elimination of Women and Children Trafficking”, “The Integrated Criminal Justice System With Gender Perspective in Handling Violence Against Women Cases”. Assisting the local advocacy in Province/Residence/City level that is relevant to women and child protection. Working with legal enforcers, government and NGOs in promoting women and child legal protection, including lobbying, training, and advocacy.
Responsible (managing, leading, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, coordinating, and reporting) on European Commission Project ID 0631 (The Promotion and Protection of Women’s Human Rights in Indonesia: Building the Capacity of the Judicial Sectors to Deal with Violence against Women Cases).

Responsible in managing: planning, implementing, and monitoring among programs within Institut Perempuan. There are: Campaign and Advocacy, Critical Feminist Education and Organizing, Women’s Economic Empowerment, and Assisting Violence Against Women Victims. Responsible also in fund raising and maintaining local, national, international relation and networking with legal enforcer, government, legislative, private sectors, non government organization, UN agencies, and funding agencies. Responsible in all Institut Perempuan programmes supported by well known international agencies such as UNIFEM, ACILS-ICMC, YSIK, The Global Fund for Women, The Mama Cash Netherlands, TdH Netherlands, ACCESS-AusAid, UNICEF, etc.

Mapping, analyzing, drafting the concept of RAD West Java province (Local Action Plan on the Elimination of The Worst Forms of Child Labor, Commercial Sexual Exploitation on Children, and Trafficking), and conducting training for legal enforcer, government, non government. The programme was supported by UNICEF through West Java province Government.
Responsible of training quality for JARI’s cadres. Review and up date the curriculum. Conducting training for the cadres in 12 provinces in Indonesia.

Review all the education modules in gender perspective related to the impact of the corruption for women and children, especially in the problem of trafficking.

Responsible in managing planning, implementing, and monitoring the education and training programs within PEKA. Responsible in educating and training programmes of PEKA supported by World Health Organization (WHO). One of the works was to train medical professionals, social workers/NGO workers, community women’s organization, and public figure on “Assisting Women and Children Victims of Violence, Abuse, and Exploitation).

Responsible in assessment and developing the managerial of national election watch in West Java province. Develop the module and education program in women and national election.

Developing new women’s rights Division and establishing women’s rights program in PBHI: conducting discussion, collecting data and books on women and children right issues, analyzing, conducting gender sensitivity trainings for student, and human rights training, for the purpose of making the PBHI become the resource center of women’s right issues.

Responsible in making the budget, managing the implementing, and making the financial report.

Year Name of Organization

Actively participated as Member of Steering Committee in several Events in national level, such as “Children Meeting: Alternative Education and Advocacy, 2005”, “National Meeting on Women’s Activist, 2006”, etc.

Substantial Coordinator of Jaringan Kerja Prolegnas Pro Perempuan (National Network for Legal Protection of Women)

Database Coordinator of Jaringan Advokasi Nasional Perlindungan untuk Pekerja Rumah Tangga (National Advocacy Network for Protection of Domestic Worker)

Member of Indonesian Women Coalition for Justice and Democracy (KPI)

President of Study Unit of Social Science, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Working in social science and human rights issues, research, study, and advocacy.

Member of Women’s Partner Network (Jaringan Mitra Perempuan), Jakarta
Working in women human rights issues and giving/facilitating gender sensitivity trainings especially for students.

Volunteer in Mitra Masyarakat Kota (MMK) and Institut Social Jakarta (ISJ), Jakarta
Working in street children issues, developing the alternative study for the children. Also helping some of the cultural and street events dealing with children, such as National Children Camp.

Head of First Department, of Sport and Art Festival, Faculty of Economic, Parahyangan Catholic University
Planning, organizing, and monitoring a sport and art festival, including fundraising and press networking.

Member of People Democratic Alliance, Bandung
Working in democracy, justice, and human right issues

Actively participate in many student organization of Santa Ursula High Senior School, Jakarta
Member of Student Board Organization, Chairperson of Debate Team, Writer, Staff, and Editor of SERVIAM Journal, Chairperson of Scientific and Research Group, Stage Manager of Theater Group (Kelompok Teater Putri Santa Ursula).

Actively participate in many student organizations of Tarakanita High Junior School, Jakarta
Writer and Staff of STAR-Q Magazine
Year Name of Courses

Training HIV-AIDS For UNICEF Chief Field Office, Bogor
Five days course of HIV-AIDS, including planning programme on HIV-ADIS, especially targeting children.

Special session on Emergency facilitated by Senior Programme Officer of UNICEF-Mr. Steven Adwood, UNICEF National Quarterly Programme Meeting.

Training For Facilitator (Dewan Guru) of JARI Indonesia, Jakarta
Six days course of community based development issues, impoverishment, and human rights issues especially on ECOSOC rights issues.

Training For Trainers of Gender Sensitivity, KWI, Jakarta
Trained by Mansour Fakih, the main objective is to become trainer specific for gender, women human rights, CEDAW and CRCs issues

Special Cadre Course of Santa Ursula High Senior School
Trained by LPIST, The Jakarta Post, and KWI, Jakarta.
Six days course for each year, including live-in, for the issues of “Social-Political Context and Impoverishment in Indonesia” and “The Human Rights”

Serial Courses of Santa Ursula High Senior School
Trained by LPIST, Kompas, The Jakarta Post, and KWI (The National Catholic Organization), Jakarta.
Five days course for each semester, for the issues of “Social Analysis and Writing”, “Journalism”, “Communication Skill With Parents”, “Problem Solving”, “HIV-AIDS and Sexual Education”, “Gender Sensitivity”

Year Description of Works
Advocacy Research: “Women and Children Trafficking”

Research: “Analyzing The Women Human’s Rights in Feminist Perspective”

Research: “Integrated Criminal Justice System with Gender Perspective in Handling Violence Against Women Cases”, Komnas Perempuan.

Research: “The Development and CEDAW Implementation in West Java Province”, JARI Indonesia
Research: “The Alternative Education Conducted by Social Movement in Indonesia in Post Soeharto Regime”, KaPaL Perempuan
Research: “The Weakness of Perfect and Correct Indonesian Speaking and Writing Language Among Jakarta High School Students”, SMU Santa Ursula
Research on social analysis: “Night Person: Studies on Jakarta’s Night Workers”, SMU Santa Ursula
Examining local, national, and international instrument on women and children trafficking, data collecting, field research, analyzing women and children trafficking in West Java province and national related to the Law/Draft Law on Trafficking.

Examining local, national, and international instrument on women and children human rights in feminist perspective, develop a framework for the research, identifying the need and opinion regarding women human rights fulfillment, analyzing, and writing research report.

Examining legal national and international instrument in criminal justice system, analyzing, and develop a concept of Integrated Criminal Justice System with Gender Perspective in Handling Violence Against Women Cases.
Examining local, national, and international instrument on women human rights and develop a framework for the research, organizing serial community meeting in identifying the need and opinion regarding women human rights fulfillment, analyzing, and writing research report.

Collecting and analyzing field data focusing four sector: women, children, peasant, and labor. Collecting and analyzing national legal instrument related to formal education
Collecting field data from 100 students in 10 high senior schools in Jakarta, library research, interviewing the experts, and analyzing.
Collecting field data, library research, analyzing, and reporting about the Jakarta’s Security Person.
Writer of Books, Modules
With SMA Santa Ursula Student of 1996, Orang-orang Malam (Night Persons), SMA Santa Ursula, 1995

Pelacur vs His First Lady? (Whore vs His First Lady?), Institut Perempuan, Bandung, 1994

With Arimbi Heroepoetri, Percakapan Tentang Feminisme dan Neoliberalisme (A Conversation Between Feminism and Neo-Liberalism), Institut Perempuan and debtWatch Indonesia, 2004

With PPH Team, Sistem Peradilan Pidana Terpadu Berkeadilan Jender Dalam Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Integrated Criminal Justice System with Gender Perspective in Handling Violence Against Women Cases), Komnas Perempuan, Jakarta, 2005

With PPH Team, Panduan Polisi: Sistem Peradilan Pidana Terpadu Berkeadilan Jender Dalam Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Police Guidelines: Integrated Criminal Justice System with Gender Perspective in Handling Violence Against Women Cases), Komnas Perempuan, Jakarta, 2006

With Team of Professor, Hukum dan Perempuan (Law and Women), Convention Watch-Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, 2006

With Ellin Rozana, Pergulatan Feminisme dan HAM: Hukum Berperspektif Feminis (Feminism and Human Rights: Feminist Legal Theory and Practices), Institut Perempuan, Bandung, 2007

With Ellin Rozana, Memberantas Trafiking Perempuan dan Anak: Penelitian Advokasi Feminis tentang Trafiking di Jawa Barat (Tackling Women and Child Trafficking: Feminist Advocacy Research in West Java), Institut Perempuan-TdH Netherlands, 2007

Pokok-Pokok Perlindungan Pekerja Rumah Tangga/Pekerja Rumah Tangga Anak: Peta Hukum di Indonesia (Points of Protection on Domestic Workers/Child Domestic Workers: A Map of Indonesian Legal System), Save the Children-US, 2008

Kumpulan Tulisan R. Valentina: Perempuan dan Anak (An Articles Collection of R. Valentina: Women and Child), Institut Perempuan, 2008
Editors, Corrector
Respon Agama Islam terhadap Pembakuan Peran Perempuan (Islam’s Response to The Women’s Role), LBH APIK Jakarta, 2004

Posisi Perempuan di Bawah Hukum Islam (Women’s Position Under the Islamic Law), LBH APIK Jakarta, 2004
Dampak Pembakuan Peran Jender terhadap Kondisi Kerja Kaum Perempuan Kelas Bawah di DKI Jakarta (The Impact of Gender Role to The Condition of Poor Women in Jakarta), LBH APIK Jakarta, 2004
Pembakuan Peran Jender dalam Kebijakan-Kebijakan di Indonesia (Gender Roles in The Legal Instrument in Indonesia), LBH APIK Jakarta, 2004
Sistem Peradilan Pidana Terpadu Berkeadilan Jender Dalam Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Integrated Criminal Justice System with Gender Perspective in Handling Violence Against Women Cases), Komnas Perempuan, Jakarta, 2005
Panduan Moot Court dan Kompetisi Moot Court Berperspektif Keadilan Gender (Gender Perspective Moot Court and Moot Court Competition Guidelines), Sulistyowati Irianto, Convention Watch-PKWJ UI, Jakarta, 2005
Pemantauan Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Court Watch on Cases of Violence against Women), LBH APIK Jakarta, Jakarta, 2006
Perlindungan dan Hak Asasi Anak, Ellin Rozana, Institut Perempuan, Bandung, 2008
Write many articles in local and national news papers and journal such as Pikiran Rakyat, Kompas, Sinar Harapan, Jurnal Perempuan, etc, in legal and human rights issues, especially gender, feminism, women and children issues.

1. Speaker, Moderator, Facilitator, Trainer
Become speaker, moderator, facilitator, and trainer in many seminars, workshops, and training, in hundreds of event, for legal, democracy, and human rights issues, especially in gender, women, and children issues.
2. Awards
– Finalist of Tourism Photo Contest WIPI-Minister of Tourism, 1995
– The Best Public Relation Santa Ursula High School Student, 1996
– 15 Potential Women-The Body Shop, Aura, and Women’s Journal Version: Categorizing Research, Extension, and Social Service, 2002
3. Scholarships
– Tiara Bank, 1997-1998
– Asia Pacific NGO Forum on Beijing +10, Mahidol University-Salaya Campus, Bangkok, Thailand, 30 June-3 July 2004
4. Experience in Emergency Situation
– UNICEF Consultant responsible for Children Center and Police Women Deployment in Aceh (tsunami), 2005
– UNICEF Consultant responsible for Police Women Training and Deployment in Ambon (conflict situation), 2005
– UNICEF Officer responsible for Children Center and Police Women Deployment in Yogyakarta-Central Java (earth-quake), 2006
– Institut Perempuan Consultant responsible for recovery of earth quake in Pangandaran-West Java, 2006

2 tanggapan untuk “Valentina Sagala”

  1. Ada baiknya menyertakan sumber dari tulisan tulisan di blog ini agar tidak dikatakan menjiplak tanpa menyertakan sumber yg jelas.
    dari tulisan ini kita bisa melihat bahwa tulisan ini merupakan hasil copy paste dari sumber yg lain .

    Demikian saran dari saya .

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